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Current legislation

Public authority and the RATP company are aware of the noxiousness of the pollution and more especially in the subway. RATP improves everyday the system of ventilation and tries to generalize the installation of electronic braking system. A ANSES report also shows the negative effects of a long exposure to  small particles. The World Health organisation recommends a maximum level of exposure of 25 μg/m3 in average for 24 hours for PM2.5 and 50 μg/m3 in average for 24 hours for PM10. The DGS (direction générale de la santé) in 2001 seized upon this problem and demanded to the CSHPF (conseil supérieur d’hygiène publique de France) to make recommendation. It recommended values of reference. The main problem is that there is a difference between the labor code and the environmental code. The last one recommends a maximum amount of micrograms of particles higher than the World Health organisation recommendations. Thus the maximum amount for workers in the metro is 5000μg/m3 for 8 hours. Council of State made recommendations for the government but for the moment nothing is done.


We have some propositions to improve working conditions and improve  air quality :

  • Redefining the limit value of exposure for workers and thus setting norms

  • Using better machines especially for works, for example machines use petrol, it would be a good idea to replace it by electricity or biofuel ones.

  • Giving the right to workers to wear anti pollution mask.

  • Allowing workers who are exposed to PM10 everyday to be retired earlier and thus recognising the hard condition of work of employees

  • Fixing objectives to achieve in term of pollution.

© 2017 by We Are All Breathing The Same Air.

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