Do you want to be part of "We are all breathing the same air" adventure ?
We intend to challenge citizens about the quality of air in the subway. Come swell the ranks !
We would like to raise funds on the first year to organize events, attend to conference and continue our actions... We have the support of collectivities such as Mairie de Paris ... But of course, any extra boost will do us good ! We hope to raise 3500 euros thanks to our donation.
Your donation can be deducted at 66% of your taxes. Thank you for your help!
Our donation will be available soon, through KissKissBankBank Platform !

Giving to "We are all breathing the same air" allows us to :
begin lobbying actions
raise awareness through events and conferences
support subway agents' rights
prepare a real audit on the air pollution in the subway
In exchange, we promise to :
be transparent on our budget
not have any commercial interest, only public interest for this cause