What is RESPIRE ? What has been led by RESPIRE ?
Respire is an association created in 2011 to fight against the problems related to air quality in France. It specialized in understanding the issues related to air pollution in France and Europe - political, economic, social and health-related -. It is constantly in touch with scientific studies to provide information, communicate and build a real advocacy.
They conducted a study was in the Marseille metro. They put a handkerchief at the exit of the in indoor air quality - in the subway. Furthermore, they were also interested in the efficiency of the ventilation.
The handkerchief came out black: they have analyzed the components found on the handkerchief to understand what users breathe daily and thus make "visible the invisible". These air vents thus reveal that PM10 particles are very high.
Respire is also an expert on CHSCT committees, including RATP. Their presence was requested by the SUD union, who launched their right of alert at the level of exposure of the particles. They want in the short term to avoid prolonged exposure of workers and in the long term reduce the sources of emission and see how it would be possible to better ventilate the metro.
Studies led in the subway
“In London, Milan, Los Angeles In the Parisian subway, ANSES and AIRPARIF have also led a study focused on air quality (and Paris, the exposure of metro users to particles (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) is greater than that of other modes of land transport (pedestrian, car or bus).”september 2015).
What are the associated health risks for workers? ANSES concludes that :
Moreover, they confirm that "Inflammation of the airways and the effects following this inflammation are likely. By analogy with the well-documented health risks of outdoor air particles, deleterious effects are expected on cardiovascular and respiratory health.”
In this context, the Agency recommends the implementation of measures of prevention and reduction of the exposures for workers and especially for those in charge of the maintenance of the infrastructures. It recommends that specific work (epidemiological studies, etc.) be conducted to acquire more knowledge on the subject.
Our interview on Nov 22 with Franck Olivier TORRO, copresident: What did we learn ?
Respire is a civic association, which has lobbying activities and works closely with the Paris City Hall, which is a kind of citizen and associative bond and allows them to gain credibility.
They also have access to a network of experts and are often solicited by the media to push their claims. RESPIRE has a strengthened credibility, especially on issues of outdoor air.
F.O. Torro hopes that the legislation will change, but he thinks we should talk more about it, especially about problems in the subway to have satisfactory levels of pollution - even if the RATP takes the issue very seriously. They continue to accompany people who want to make a complaint.
We hope that RESPIRE will become a partner of our cause. We can rely on their network of exports to drive awareness on this special issue. We have been invited to an aperitif to talk with them about our project. They were delighted that students take action in favor of the improvement of air quality.