We are a group of 10 students from different backgrounds, cultures, and values, but we share the same concern about the issue of air pollution in the Paris subway.
It is the troubling realization of the high level of air pollution in the Paris subway that stands as the foundation brick of our community.
Almost 1.5 billion people have taken the subway since the beginning of the year. Do they all know about the risks they are exposing themselves to in terms of health, due to the poor air quality?
We want you to be informed and to get involved!
what we do
The subway air quality issue came to our mind as being even more salient in the wake of the COP21 commitments, the growing consensus for the environmental protection and sustainability of the city and what’s more, with the desire of making the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris an environmental reference worldwide.
Around 48 people take the Paris subway each second, resulting in around 4.1 million people per day and around 1.479 billion per year, making the Parisian subway the 7th most frequented in the world. It is true that taking the subway may be easier and more environmentally friendly that other types of transport nevertheless, the air in the tube can reach pollution amounts that are even 10 times higher than outside.
Even though significant changes have been made across time to improve the subway service quality for customers and for workers, the reality is that the Paris subway still remains one of the most polluted places in the city.
Hence, we want to address this challenge by creating a community of people actively engaged for our cause and willing to take action based on the propositions and initiatives that themselves want to become real.
This will materialize in sensitization campaigns nevertheless, for the further development of our project, what we are looking for with the outcomes of the campaigns and the gathering of diverse projects to be put in practice is to encourage the RATP in their efforts to improve the subway air quality and also to pressure for a strengthening of the public policy regarding the pollution limits in the subway.