"Choosing public transportation means preserving the air you breathe." That was the motto of the Public Transport Day, which takes place on Saturday, September 16th.
However, some days in Châtelet, on line 4, the PM10 concentration exceeds 300 μg / m3 while the outdoor alert threshold is set at 80 μg / m3 by French legislation.
What are the implications of the air pollution in the subway on our health? What can be done to tackle air pollution in the subway?
“We are all breathing the same air” triggers the alarm. We are looking forward to organize a conference at SciencesPo next year, and we hope that some special guests will accept our invitation:
The association RESPIRE, involved in tackling and raising awareness on air pollution issues
Teresa Moreno, Responsible “IMPROVE LIFE” project in Barcelona
AIRPARIF an association responsible to monitor the quality of the air in ParisLENIR, from
Sophie MAZOUE, Environment responsible RATP
The conference will be organized in the following form:
- short presentation of guests and their involvement in this public issue
- QA session concerning the improvements that have been done up to this point
-roundtables around the main issues: financing, raising awareness, main barriers
If you’re interested and you want to keep informed of the conference, register here!