One of our goals is to involve a real community and raise awareness on the issue. As we saw in our survey led in October, few people are aware of the pollution in the subway.
You can follow us on social media : Facebook and Instagram and help us create an emulation and trigger the debate on those social networks.
We share on this page our interrogations, news on the issue, information, interviews we get and how people can act concretely to tackle this issue.
In order to broaden our community of supporters, we are also present and post on the Facebook group “Wanted Community Paris”. More than 400 000 people are part of this group.
You can find on this page our survey and our petition. Through this Facebook group, we wanted to know if people feel concerned about this issue and are ready to be engaged and support us concretely.

Through this page, we have also been able to get some witnesses from subway agents and feedback on our actions.
Thanks to this group and the virality of our posts, we have developed a community of activists.
What else can you find on our social media ?
We want to continue to use social networks to federate the movement. We share press articles on the subject or research articles. You can also find key figures to raise awareness of the stakes and the scale of the phenomenon - in the form of "Did you know"?